A guide to building a better, fairer and more sustainable future.

Based on the latest wellbeing science, we aim to inspire people and organisations to take actions that promote flourishing at the individual, collective and systemic level.

About the Book

This book is about hope and a call to action to make the world the kind of place we want to live in. Our hope is to provoke conversation, and gently challenge possibly long-held views, beliefs, and ideologies about the way the world works and the people in that world.

Written by eminent researchers and experienced practitioners, the book explores the principles that underpin living well, and gives examples of how this can be achieved not just in our own lives, but across communities and the planet we share. Chapters cover the stages of life from childhood to ageing, the foundations of everyday flourishing, including health and relationships, and finally wellbeing in the wider world, addressing issues such as economics, politics and the environment. Based in the scientific evidence of what works and supported by illustrations of good practice, this book is both ambitious and aspirational.

The book is designed for a wide audience – anyone seeking to create positive change in the world, their institutions or communities.


Click on the chapter title to find out more about that chapter.

You can learn more about some of the chapters by listening to our podcast episodes  about each chapter.
More podcasts will be added as time goes by – usually around the middle of the month.


“The authors masterfully chart the possibilities for, and pathways to, greater flourishing as individuals and as societies.”

Richard Ryan

“A useful and timely guide to a positive psychology that focuses on ‘our’ well-being rather than on ‘my’ well-being.”

Howard Gardner

“This beautiful book informs us of the science and inspires us to apply it.”

Richard Layard

“This book is for our times and has my wholehearted recommendation. It channels our collective yearning for a better world into evidence-based actions.”

Barbara Fredrickson

“This is one of the best books I have read in a long time. It offers a superb developmental and contextual approach to integrative well-being.”

Issac Prilleltensky