Populations across the world are ageing, and more of us than ever before will live into very old age. Although you may not see this chapter as relevant personally to you now, how you plan and prepare for your later years is critical to how well you might flourish as you age. It will also apply to the older generation in your own families. In some societies, elderly people are viewed as a blessing and revered as wise elders while in others they may be seen as more of a burden and either regarded negatively or simply disregarded. We are all responsible for how our senior citizens are positioned and treated to ensure their maximum wellbeing. One day this will be you.
It is not only physical health and the ability to continue to be active that matters but also coping with psychological and emotional changes. In this chapter we consider the common challenges to ageing well and explore the research supporting the concept of positive ageing, considering how later life might become a time of further opportunity with a renewed sense of meaning and purpose. Our social systems need to support this, including design that takes into account physical limitations to facilitate access and also how the elderly are represented. We end the chapter by considering the actions governments, communities and individuals might take to make ageing a more positive experience.
Ashton Applewhite: We Are All Aging So Let’s End Ageism. Keynote Speech, 2018 National Bioneers Conference.
Dr Laura Carstensen TED Talk: Older People Are Happier April 2012
Dr Laura Carstensen: The New Culture of Ageing February 2015
Brigham Young University Gerontology Conference 2017: Dr Marc Agronin Building a Better Older Brain
Royal Academy of Dance – Henry Danton, 100 Year Old Ballet Teacher
WHO Decade of Healthy Ageing: December 2020
- BBC Radio 4 Nicci Gerrard: Rethinking Old Age June 2020
- BBC Radio 4 Four Thought: Ending Ageism July 2020
- UNSW Centre for Ideas: Big Ideas with Paul Barclay and Ashton Applewhite: Positive Ageing March 2020
- The Science of Happiness Podcast Episode 81: Are You Listening to Your Elders? December 2020
- BBC News Article – Dinkie Flowers: Almost 100 and Still Dancing
- SarGun Bedi & Gill Case (2014) Cultural impact on happiness and subjective well-being of older adults. Indian Journal of Health and Wellbeing, 5(11), 1273-1280.
- Laura Carstensen & Marguerite DeLiema (2018) The positivity effect: a negativity bias in youth fades with age. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 19, 7-12.
- Cynthia Chen, Dana Goldman, Julie Zissimopoulos, John Rowe & Research Network on an Aging Society (2018) Multi-dimensional comparison of countries’ adaptation to societal aging. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(37), 9169-9174.
- Greater Good Science Center article: How Older People Can Cope with Isolation
- Ashley Jowell, Laura Carstensen & Michele Barry (2020). A life-course model for healthier ageing: lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Lancet: Healthy Longevity.
- Michael Steger, Shigehiro Oishi & Todd Kashdan (2009). Meaning in life across the life span: Levels and correlates of meaning in life from emerging adulthood to older adulthood. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 4(1), 43-52.
Les Brown (1992). Live your dreams. Avon Books.
Why think about ageing?
- Claire Preston, Nick Drydakis, Suzanna Forwood, Suzanna Hughes & Catherine Meads (2019) What are the structural barriers to planning for later life? A scoping review of the literature. Social Inclusion, 7(3), 17-26.
- WHO (2018) Ageing and Health
- Lynda Gratton & Andrew Scott (2016) The 100 -Year life: Living and working in an age of longevity. Bloomsbury.
- Sue Kreitzman: https://player.vimeo.com/video/68362148
- Shigemi Hirata: https://www.japantimes.co.jp/tag/shigemi-hirata/
- Susan Neiman (2015) Why Grow Up? Subversive Thoughts for an Infantile Age. Macmillan.
- Flo Meiler: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NG0TEf21ZE
- Maurizio Bussolo, Johannes Koettl & EmilySinnott (2015) Golden aging: Prospects for healthy, active, and prosperous aging in Europe and Central Asia. The World Bank.
- Chandra Mehrotra & Lisa Wagner (2009) Aging and diversity: An active learning experience. (2nd Edn, p.88). Routledge. (There is now a 3rd Edition.(2018))
- John Beard, Simon Biggs, David Bloom, Linda Fried, Paul Hogan, Alexandre Kalache & Jay Olshansky (2012) Global population ageing: peril or promise? (No. 8912). Program on the Global Demography of Aging. World Economic Forum.
- Susan Hutchinson & Galit Nimrod (2012) Leisure as a resource for successful aging by older adults with chronic health conditions. The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 74(1), 41–6
- Andrew Clark & Andrew Oswald (2006) The curved relationship between subjective wellbeing and age. Working Paper no 2006-29, Paris-Jourdan Sciences Economiques.
- Susan Turk Charles & Laura Carstensen (2009) Social and emotional ageing. Annual Review of Psychology, 61(1), 383–409.
- Paula Zaninotto & Andrew Steptoe (2019) Association Between Subjective Well-being and Living Longer Without Disability or Illness. JAMA network open, 2(7), e196870–e196870.
- Juliet Michaelson, Nic Marks, Nicola Steuer, Saamah Abdallah, & Sam Thompson (2009) The Happy Planet Index 2.0: Why good lives don’t have to cost the Earth. New Economics Foundation
- https://www.understandingglasgow.com/indicators/health/comparisons/within_glasgow/males_deprivation
Social challenges in ageing well
- The Centre for Social Justice. (2019) Ageing confidently: Supporting an ageing workforce. London.
- Andreas Cebulla, Nathan Hudson-Sharp, Lucy Stokes & David Wilkinson (2019) Work-Life imbalance in extended working lives: Domestic divisions of labour and partners’ perceptions of job pressures of non-retiring older workers. Sozialer Fortschritt, 68(4), 289–311.
- Lena Dahlberg, Neda Agahi & Carin Lennartsson (2018) Lonelier than ever? Loneliness of older people over two decades. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 75, 96–103.
- Julianne Holt-Lunstad, Timothy Smith & Bradley Layton (2010) Social relation-ships and mortality risk: a meta-analytic review. PLoS Medicine, 7(7), e1000316.
- Campaign to End Loneliness: https://www.campaigntoendloneliness.org/
- Neil Thin (2012) Social happiness: Theory into policy and practice. Policy Press.
- Sarah Jackson, Ruth Hackett & Andrew Steptoe (2019) Associations between age discrimination and health and wellbeing: cross-sectional and prospective analysis of the English longitudinal study of ageing. The Lancet Public Health, 4(4), e200–e208.
- The Elders https://theelders.org/
- https://www.friendshipbenchzimbabwe.org/lay-health-workers
Positive ageing
- Sarah Raposo & Laura Carstensen (2018) Can envisioning your future improve your health? Innovation in Aging, 2 (Suppl 1), 907.
- Pricewaterhouse Coopers (2018) Golden Age Index: Unlocking the potential $3.5trillion prize from longer working lives
- Nancy Doyle (2019), cited in ’Helping the Older Worker to Thrive’ in The Psychologist, November 2019
- Maria Rosaria Gualano, Gianluca Voglino, Fabrizio Bert, Robin Thomas, Elisa Camussi & Roberta Siliquini (2018) The impact of intergenerational programs on children and older adults: A review. International Psychogeriatrics, 30(4), 451–468.
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- Alice Carebot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXqxKtNpUdg
- Dana Goldman, Cynthia Chen, Julie Zissimopoulos & John Rowe (2018) Opinion: Measuring how countries adapt to societal aging. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(3), 435-437.
- Research Network on an Aging Society: https://www.macfound.org/networks/research-network-on-an-aging-society/
- Hartford Ageing Index: https://www.johnahartford.org/grants-strategy/the-john-a-hartford-foundation-state-aging-index
- https://www.publichealth.columbia.edu/public-health-now/news/new-global-aging-index-gauges-health-and-wellbeing-aging-populations
- Centre for Ageing Better: www.ageing-better.org.uk
- WHO making cities age-friendly: https://www.who.int/ageing/projects/age-friendly-cities-communities/en/
- New Brighton Co-Housing: https://www.newbrightoncohousing.org/